Window Replacement

Why Replace Windows

Added Value

Safety & Security

Curb Appeal

Enjoying the View
All of these are reasons one may want to replace their old windows. We believe there are benefits to replacing windows if you understand what the benefits are. If you are looking to conserve energy, window replacement should not be your first approach. When it comes to energy savings, windows are going to be low on the priority list. Other issues such as stack effect should be addressed first.
One of the best thing of caulking is that it’s a task that almost anybody can do. Something else that’s amazing about caulk is that it is really good at stopping unwanted air. Caulk is inexpensive and will not break the bank but may have the some of the same results as installing new windows for the sole purpose of stopping drafts.
Weather-stripping is another easy and cost effective way to reduce drafts that may be coming from your windows. Window weather-stripping or foam tape can be purchased at many home improvement retailers. These low cost options may be effective when trying to seal up your windows.
Now, are we really saying that you should not replace the windows in your home? No. However, what we are saying is, if you’re thinking about replacing windows to save money on your utility bill windows may not want to be the place you want to start.
Addressing air sealing opportunities and insulation levels in your unconditioned attic spaces will usually be priority number one. Additionally, sealing and insulating crawlspaces or unconditioned basements will be next on the list.